Our School
Lanigan Elementary School Community Council
The L.E.S. School Community Council is a group of dedicated volunteers and consists of: Wendy Mehrer, Krista Bernauer, Jodi Paulson, Heidi Craig, Dixie Kiefer, David Hepburn, Jaymie Peters, Amy Ealey and Candace Bergen. The Council works under the guidance of permanent members from L.E.S. school administration, Janice Fansher and teacher representative, Leann Gunther, and a representative from the Horizon School Division, Mark Fedak.
It is the objective of the L.E.S. SCC to work in conjunction with those mentioned to support our students in their well-being at L.E.S. and in aiding them to achieve a goal of successful learning. They look forward to building this shared responsibility among other parents and community members and youth in L.E.S.
If you have any questions about the L.E.S. SCC, please feel free to call one of the members!
- We believe everyone is equal and that as individuals we can express our own personalities.
- We believe everyone will be treated with respect.
- We believe everyone in our school wants to learn, does his/her best and has fun.
- We believe everyone will be safe, emotionally and physically.
- We believe everyone will do their job, be successful and be role models for each other.
- We believe everyone will be responsible for their selves and try to solve his/her own problems
- We believe everyone will help others, share and encourage each other
- We believe everyone will take care of our school, keep it clean and make it a comfortable place
Duties of Students
L.E.S. operates in accordance to the EDUCATION ACT: Section 149-150.In that every pupil shall be accountable:
To the teacher for her/his conduct on the school premises during school hours and during such hours as the teacher is in charge of the pupil in class or while engaged in authorized school activities conducted during out-of-school hours.
To the principal for her/his general deportment at any time that he is under the supervision of the school and members of the teaching staff, including THE TIME SPENT IN TRAVELLING BETWEEN THE SCHOOL AND HER/HIS PLACE OF RESIDENCE subject to the stated policies of the board of education, to the driver of the school bus and to any other person appointed by the board for the purposes of supervision during hours when pupils are in the personal charge of such employees of the board, and those employees shall be responsible to and report to the principal in accordance with the procedures approved by the board.
**You are expected to take responsibility for your belongings and for the organization and maintenance of your own personal space: desks, lockers and classrooms. ***
Student policies
Any student under the influence of, in possession of, or trafficking alcohol or illicit drugs while under school supervision will immediately be suspended from school and will return to regular classes only following a meeting with the student, parent/guardian, and principal, and if requested the Director of Education.
Footwear and clean clothing appropriate for class must be worn. Since L.E.S. is a Chem-free school, wearing of apparel promoting tobacco, alcohol or drugs is not acceptable. It is also not appropriate to wear clothing with inappropriate or offensive slogans, profane language or sexual connotations. All tops and bottoms should be acceptable and appropriate for the school environment. Midriffs should not be visible at any time; therefore, tops and/or pants must be long enough to cover the midriff. Clothing should cover the body adequately so that undergarments are not visible. Skirts, dresses and shorts must be long enough to be in good taste. Hats are considered outdoor apparel and may be worn to and from school. Hats are not to be present in the classroom or in the lunchroom/computer room/library at any time.
At Lanigan Elementary School we recognize that using various cellular/music devices helps improve productivity. Therefore, the following procedures have been put into place to allow students to use them effectively. The device will be placed in the specific holder that has been designated for the student. A student may only remove and use the device when given permission to do so from their teacher. The device will be place back in the holder after the class and may not be removed and used at breaks or at recess.
There are many athletic activities at lunch or after school that you can get involved in. Watch the bulletin board beside the gym and announcements for information in regards to these activities. If you don't wish to play, you may like to be involved as a timer or scorekeeper.
In order for you to participate in extra- curricular activities you must be in good standing with assignments and behavior expectations of the school. Remember these opportunities are a privilege, not a right.
For the safety of our students Southland Bus Ltd. has determine expectations for students while they are riding on the bus. These are posted in each bus and if students are not following these expectations and the bus driver has made contact with the parents and still no progress has been made they will report to school administration. A meeting will then be held with the bus driver, student, parents and administration.
Evaluation will be done on a continuous basis. Letter grades and anecdotal notes will be the format for report cards for Grade 6 and percentage values for Grade 7 and Grade 8. There will be three reporting periods for Grade 6 and four reporting periods for Grade 7 and Grade 8. Student-Led Conferences will be held in November and March for all students. Grade 7 and Grade 8 students who maintain an 80% or higher average will be placed on the Lanigan Elementary School Honor Roll.
The buildings and grounds are each divided into three areas. One teacher is in each of the areas (inside and outside) at designated times. There is supervision beginning at 8:40 AM, morning and afternoon recess, noon hour, and dismissal. You are responsible to EVERY adult on supervision.
Your safety is a priority at L.E.S. In order to ensure that you are adequately supervised, you are requested to remain at home until 8:40 AM, at which time teachers will be at their supervision posts. However, the Main Wing will be open if unforeseen circumstances occur.
IN OR OUT– "In Motion":
If your daughter/son is going to be absent from school, please notify the office. We ask that you do this by calling the school rather than email because if our computers are down or the secretary is out of the office we will not know that your child has been excused for the day. Our secretary begins her day at 8:00 a.m.
If your daughter/son is late for school, they must report to the office and receive a late slip before entering their classroom.
L.E.S. is a "closed campus". This means that you must stay on school grounds at all times, including lunch time and after school while you are waiting for the bus. If you must leave school property during the regular school day you must have written parental permission to do so. This applies to both town and bus students. If you regularly stay for lunch and have plans outside of the school for noon, you must bring a note to give to your teacher and the noon hour supervisor.
Each classroom is assigned an entrance and a set of boot racks. You are expected to keep your boots and shoes on these racks and other belongings on shelves and lockers that belong to your classroom. You are required to use your designated entrance at all times with the only exception being Fire Drill or other extenuating circumstances.
The L.E.S. School Safety Patrol is run through the dedication of our Grade 5 to 8 students. For the past several years, both parents and teachers alike have relied on School Safety Patrol to provide a safe path between home and school.
You are allowed to bring your bike to school. All bikes are to be parked in the assigned racks. All bikes must remain parked in the bike racks until dismissal times. Bikes and bike racks are out of bounds to all students during recess times. You may not ride bikes that do not belong to you unless you obtain permission from the owner of the bike.
A set of fire drill regulations and a floor plan are posted in each classroom. Periodic fire drills are held during the school year.
In accordance to Horizon School Division #205 administrative procedures we will hold three announced Lock-Down drills with students and staff in the school year.
We ask for continuing cooperation from you in helping to keep our floors clean, shiny, and free from black marks. You are required to remove your shoes and put them on the boot racks if it is wet or muddy outside. All boots should be clearly labeled and kept on the boot racks.
You must wear shoes inside and not walk in stocking feet. In the case of an emergency exit, there would be no time to put footwear on; therefore, we ask that proper footwear be worn at all times. Indoor shoes should have soles that do not mark the floor.
Runners must be worn in the gym for regular Phys. Ed. classes, intramurals, and school sports. For your own safety, you will only be allowed to participate in sports once you have the proper footwear.
The SRC represents all students from Kindergarten to grade eight. Students in grades six, seven and eight may seek election for one of the SRC Executive positions.
Lunch areas are in your own Homeroom. There are required rules for you to follow; these rules are ones that allow everyone to enjoy their lunch.
- Students will remain seated until dismissed by the teacher.
- All wrappers, crumbs, peels, etc. must be picked up and deposited in the garbage.
- Please no throwing of food.
- Visiting quietly with friends is encouraged
The Horizon School Division has incorporated an Acceptable Use of Technology Procedure that outlines the rules related to use of technology. You will not be allowed to use technology until the Section on the Student Registration Form is checked and signed by a parent/guardian.
L.E.S. Discipline Policy
Our ultimate goal is for our students to develop self-discipline. This will be developed through a team approach based on the theories of restitution wherever possible that involves students, teachers, parents, administration and other agencies as required.
One of the most important lessons an individual need to learn is self-discipline and respect. Although it does not appear as a subject, discipline underlies the whole educational structure and is the training that develops self-control, character, orderliness, and efficiency. It is the key to good conduct and proper consideration for people.
If students understand the purpose of discipline in school, they may form a correct attitude toward it and not only do their part in making their school an effective place to learn but also develop the habit of self-discipline. Parents must encourage appropriate behavior at all times. In order for a child to assume responsibility for their actions, the teacher and parent must take on a team approach.
Minor Unacceptable Behaviors:
The following are examples of what we consider to be minor unacceptable behaviors. Other behaviors of a similar nature would fall into this category.
- Running in the hallway
- Littering
- Being impolite
- Unnecessary roughness
- Not being prepared for class
- Incomplete Assignments
To maintain a positive learning environment each staff member will work with minor offences in a professional manner intended to help the child experience success. These unacceptable behaviors do not contribute to our beliefs and goals. Homeroom teachers will be notified of the incident. Documentation will result. Parents will be contacted at the homeroom teacher's discretion.
Major Unacceptable Behaviors:
The following are examples of what we consider to be major unacceptable behaviors. Other behaviors of a similar nature would fall into this category.
- Repeated minor offences (and parental contact has been made previously)
- Foul language directed at someone
- Threats
- Defiance of authority of ANY adult in our school
- Damage to school property
- Theft
- Verbal and physical aggression
- Lying
- Physical hurt
- Inappropriate use of Cell Phone
In the event of a major offence administration and staff intend to follow the basis of restitution. This is to create the conditions necessary for the student to fix his/her mistakes and to return to the group strengthened.
Steps that will be taken:
- Restitution and parental contact
- Restitution and written plan for improvement and parental contact.
- Consequences with child/parent meeting in consultation with staff/administration.
In addition, some possible natural consequences that may occur as we work together are:
- Community service
- Reparation or replacement
- Loss of school privileges
- Mediation
- In-school suspension
We do not tolerate any of the following at L.E.S.:
- Repeated major infractions
- Weapons
- Chemicals
- Direct defiance to an adult of an extreme nature
At the discretion of the administration other agencies may also become involved. Our goals at L.E.S. focus on learning in a safe and respectful environment, and we care enough to ensure this happened.
Edwin P. Janzen Library Resource Centre
· respect each other
· read
· talk quietly
· walk
· leave the library clean & tidy
· return items on time
· treat library materials with respect
The Resource Center is available to you during the hours of 8:45 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. If you need to arrive before 8:45 a.m. or stay after 3:15 p.m. you must make arrangements with your teacher for adequate supervision.
The purpose of the Resource Center is to provide a place where students and staff can read or work. For this reason, students must work quietly. Students who wish to visit must do so elsewhere.
Each classroom is responsible to tidy up the Resource Center before they leave.
You are encouraged to borrow a variety of materials from the Resource Center. You may check out a maximum of two books for recreational reading, and up to four books for research purposes. With teacher permission you may sign out or renew books throughout the course of the day. The borrowing period for student materials is seven days. You may renew books twice to avoid receiving an overdue. The charge for replacing lost or damaged books will follow the Horizon School Division School Fees Procedures.
Allergy Policy
1) Message to the Parent(s) or Guardian(s)
Lanigan Elementary School is a "Nut Alert" and "Scent Alert" school, as we have students in attendance who have potentially life-threatening peanut and/or nut allergies, and students in attendance who have fragrance sensitivities. As such, we ask for your cooperation in making the school as Peanut-Free, Nut-Free and Scent-Free as possible. Specifically, you can help minimize the risk to these students by not sending peanut-butter sandwiches, or other products containing peanuts and/or nuts, to school, and by not using perfume, cologne and other similar fragrances. Additionally, for our students' safety, we ask that you review our Allergy Policy set out below.
2) Policy Statement
The purpose of this Policy is to minimize the risk of exposure of students with severe allergies to potentially life-threatening allergens, without depriving the student with severe allergies of normal peer interactions or placing unreasonable restrictions on the activities of other students in attendance at school. To this end, this Policy defines standards and procedures required for the management of students at risk of severe allergic reactions while they are the responsibility of the school, recognizing that this responsibility is shared among the student, Parent(s), Guardian(s), the school system and health care providers.
3) Definitions
- Allergy: a medical condition in which the body has an exaggerated response, or is hypersensitive, to an allergen.
- Allergen: a normally harmless substance or condition (e.g. food or drug) that triggers an allergic reaction in the immune system of a susceptible and/or hypersensitive person.
- Anaphylaxis: anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, is a sudden, severe, and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction to substances or conditions, including, but not limited to foods, insect stings and bites, exposure to overly strong scents, and medicines.
- Auto-Injector: an injection-style medical device containing a pre-measured dose of the synthetic form of adrenaline, which is ready for immediate inter-muscular administration, in the event that a person begins to experience anaphylaxis.
4) Identifying Individuals at Risk
The Principal will ensure that, upon registration, the Parent(s) or Guardian(s) of a student will be asked to supply all information pertaining the student's life-threatening allergy by completing and submitting an Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan, as attached to this Policy as Schedule "A". All Anaphylaxis Emergency Plans will be kept in a binder in the school's main office. Each teacher will also have a copy of all the Anaphylaxis Emergency Plans.
It is the responsibility of the Parent(s) or Guardian(s) of the student at risk to ensure that he or she wears an allergy alert bracelet and carries an Auto-Injector at all times. Further, the Parent(s) or Guardian(s) of the student should provide the school with at least one in-date Auto-Injector to be stored at the school and used in the event of an anaphylactic reaction.
5) Communication Strategies
The Principal will ensure:
- that all teaching staff, school-based non-teaching staff and food-service supervisors receive training annually, or more frequently if required, in the recognition of a severe allergic reaction and the use of Auto-Injectors and the emergency response protocol, as set out in the Anaphylaxis Emergency Plans;
- that substitute teachers and student teachers are notified of a student's life-threatening allergy, and volunteers and off-site service providers are notified when necessary and reasonably possible;
- with the consent of the Parent(s) or Guardian(s), the Principal and the classroom teacher, must ensure that the student's classmates are provided with information on severe allergies generally, in a manner that is appropriate for the age and maturity level of the students, and that strategies to reduce teasing and bullying are incorporated in the method in which the information is provided;
- that Peanut-Alert, Nut-Alert and Scent-Alert warning signs will be placed at all entrances to the school, as well as at high-traffic areas of the school;
- that this Policy will be placed in the student handbook, the school website, the first newsletter of the school-year.
- a written reminder that the school is a Peanut-Alert and Nut-Alert school will be placed in snack and food notes that are sent home with the students;
- that this Policy's Peanut-Alert, Nut-Alert and Scent-Alert logo will be placed in the footer of the school's letterhead, with respect to letters being sent to Parents or Guardians of the students; and
- a copy of the general emergency response protocol, as set out in the Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan, is kept in all classrooms.
When an Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan is completed and submitted for a particular student, the Principal will:
- ensure that the student's life-threatening allergy is red-flagged in the computerized student information system; and
- review the Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan with, and provide appropriate information about the student and the student's life-threatening allergy to, the student's teaching staff and school-based non-teaching staff, as well as to the food-service supervisors, who may be required to assess the student's need for administration of the Auto-Injector and administer the Auto-Injector.
The Parent(s) or Guardian(s) of a student will ensure:
- that upon registration, all information pertaining to the student's life-threatening allergy is supplied to the school by completing and submitting an Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan;
- that, if the student rides the bus to school, the bus driver is provided with appropriate information about the student and his or her life-threatening allergy.
6) Allergy Avoidance Strategies
The following Allergy Avoidance Strategies will be implemented:
- The Principal will ensure that students will be supervised by teaching staff or school-based non-teaching staff while eating;
- The Principal will work closely with the food-service staff to ensure that the food being served during lunch and/or snack programs is appropriate;
- The Principal will ensure that teaching staff and school-based non-teaching staff encourage hand-washing before and after eating;
- The Parent(s) or Guardian(s) of a student will instruct the student not to trade or share food, food utensils or food containers with other students at school;
- The Principal will work closely with school-based non-teaching staff to ensure the diligent management of insect nests on school grounds; and
- The Principal will work closely with school-based non-teaching staff to ensure that, when required, garbage cans are covered with tightly fitted lids in outdoor play areas.
7) Approval and Review of Policy
This Policy was approved on December 9th, 2014, was last reviewed and updated on August 25, 2022, and will be reviewed and updated as required next on the first staff meeting of each school year.
In the event that a life-threatening allergic reaction should occur, the events surrounding the allergic reaction will be investigated, and this Policy will be reviewed and updated as required, so at to attempt to avoid a similar occurrence in the future.